Dr. Tiziana Rimoldi



Clinical pedagogist with an evolutionary neurobiological orientation, specialized in Neuropedagogy, she obtained a master's degree in Educational Sciences from the Catholic University of Milan in 1999.
Mediator Feuerstein (Pass Standard and Basic, 1st level) has recently expanded its areas of specialization through a Master - Advanced ECM Training Course - DSA: from clinical-diagnostic evaluation to intervention.
Since 2000 she has coordinated early childhood services (nursery schools, spring sections and kindergarten) directly following the planning and conducting of observation courses and strengthening of school pre-requisites for 5-year-old children.
Since 2011 she has been involved in the training of educational and teaching staff for the FISM (Italian Federation of Nursery Schools), the Costa Milano Foundation and ALTIS Catholic University of Milan.
In the private sector he works as a pedagogist dealing with children with difficulties in school and pre-school skills, children with DSA and strengthening of autonomy and cognitive skills in children with disabilities.


In designing individualized pedagogical courses, it pays particular attention, starting from the evaluation carried out by the clinicians, to setting up an educational path of an integrated neuro-evolutionary nature that knows how to involve children and/or young people in paths of skill enhancement through motor and play activities and of an educational nature.
In presenting the evaluation of specific learning disabilities, the intervention proposals provide for the stimulation of the different reading, writing and calculation skills and of the executive functions according to the different comorbidities that emerged during the evaluation.
Mediator Feuerstein is qualified to act as a Pas Basic and Standard 1st level mediator.
In approaching the various situations, he considers it of fundamental importance to constantly share with the family and the school figures of reference the proposals and priorities for intervention elaborated and shared with each individual boy.
The process of taking charge can be accompanied, if requested by the family, by specialist interviews with teachers and consultancy for the formulation of Personalized Educational Plans or individualized educational Projects.

