Dr. Davide Livio



Graduated in clinical psychology at the Bicocca University of Milan, he completed the training course in psychotherapy at the Italian Doctors Association for the study of Hypnosis AMISI.
He is currently in training as a psychotherapist at the Selvini Palazzoli school of relational systemic psychotherapy in Bellinzona.
He obtained the title of EMDR therapist and collaborated with the EMDR Association for Italy in emergency-urgency interventions in humanitarian disasters.


Specializing in the treatment of adolescents, young people and adults. She worked for 12 years at the ASST Rhodense in the early beginnings project taking care of adolescents and families in the Milan area.
He was an honorary judge at the court of appeal of the Milan juvenile court.
He held the role of psychologist manager in psychotherapy at the Department of mental health, operational unit of hospital and territorial psychiatry ASST Rhodense.
Experience in DBT and mindfulness applied to emotional regulation.
It deals with adolescents and adults with emotional difficulties, personal development, the treatment of emotional and psychological trauma, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychosis and personality disorders.




Member of AMISI Italian Medical Association for the Study of Hypnosis, EMDR Association for Italy, regularly registered in the register of psychotherapists Order of psychologists of Lombardy with number 13228, recognized as a psychologist in the Swiss Confederation by the commission of psychological professions PsiCo on 27.9 .22.