Dr. Elena Poletto




He obtained a degree in "Psychology of development and intervention in schools" at the University of Padua, and subsequently obtained a II level master's degree in "Psychopathology and forensic neuropsychology". She then specialized in "family and relational psychotherapy" at the Veneto Institute of Family Therapy. In the past she collaborated with the Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry service of Padua where she mainly conducted psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic activities in cases of minors with relationship difficulties, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, intellectual disabilities and mood disorders . Within the service, she has also dealt with the ADHD disorder both through research activities and through evaluation, diagnosis and family management interventions (parent training and psychoeducational interventions, family therapy, counseling for teachers, schools and educators).

At the same time she dedicated herself to the free profession of psychologist and psychotherapist through interventions of individual psychotherapy (adults and adolescents), couple psychotherapy and family psychotherapy with a systemic-relational orientation. The areas of greatest experience concern mood and anxiety disorders, relationship and couple difficulties. Finally, it deals with everything related to parenthood through support courses for families who encounter difficulties in carrying out this fundamental function (psychopathology of children or parents, stressful life events, separations and divorces, mourning, etc.) .


Systemic-relational orientation
"Stories are waters that go to the bottom of the slope and a man is a catchment area" (Erri De Luca, The day before happiness.). The systemic-relational orientation considers the individual as immersed in the relational, social and cultural context, the identity of the individual subject cannot ignore the relationships and family histories that belong to him, but is built within them. From this point of view, the symptom constitutes the manifestation of a discomfort that concerns the individual, but also the context in which it is expressed (the couple, the family, work, school, etc.); through the symptom, the individual becomes the mouthpiece of an instance that actually involves the various components of the system in which he is inserted.
In working with the individual, with the couple or with the whole family, the objective of systemic-relational psychotherapy is to introduce a new, more functional organization in those family and relational systems where evolutionary blocks in the life cycle , confusion in roles, lack of boundaries between generations have produced psychological suffering expressed through the symptom in one or more members. The goal is to reactivate a path of evolution of the family and of the individual by helping patients to develop their own resources hidden by malaise, to experiment with new possibilities, new ways of communicating, new ways of seeing each other and of seeing each other, new life plans.




Member of the Ticino Association of Psychologists (ATP) and of the Swiss Federation of Psychologists (FSP)