Dr. Lio Venturelli



She obtained the "Birth Doula Certification" in London in 2012 for the accompaniment at birth. After working in this field for a few years, he feels the desire to broaden his knowledge in the field of psychology. Thus he began his studies at the University of Lausanne where he obtained the Bachelor in "Science in Psychology". Subsequently he obtained a master's degree in clinical and health psychology at the Catholic University of Milan. Perinatal psychology remains an important focus of her interests, the master's thesis in fact focuses on a topic linked to the experience of childbirth.

Before starting his studies in psychology, and in parallel with these, he carried out numerous internships in various fields: Antenna Icaro in Bellinzona, special schools in Giubiasco, psychotherapy studies (Dr. Peduzzi, Bellinzona) and hospitals (Centro Clinico NeMo, Milan). In addition to the internships, he also carries out various volunteering experiences, abroad and in Switzerland: in South Africa at the McGregor Township dispensary, in Tunisia in an agricultural community and in Ticino, at the Baobab Cooperative.

He is currently following the postgraduate specialization in psychotherapy at the Mara Selvini Palazzoli Systemic Relational school (Mendrisio).



Work experience in the field of pregnancy and birth accompaniment (doula) and in the supervision of visitation rights, an outpatient service that aims to provide support to parents in difficulty.
The systemic-family model has among its objectives the acceptance of discomfort and needs, the identification of resources and support for change, restoring the patient's skills and hope in facing the current difficulty.



Italian, French, English.

Ticino Association of Psychologists (ATP)
Swiss Federation of Psychologists (FSP)