Dr. Angela Nardella




After graduating in Clinical and Community Psychology from the "La Sapienza" University of Rome, he carried out the systemic-relational specialization at the Center for Systemic Studies - Family Relational in Rome, with the school of prof. Luigi Cancrini. From 2011 to 2013 he obtained a master's degree in legal psychodiagnosis - expert with Rorschach training,
Since 2012 she has been registered as a Court and Party Technical Consultant, she collaborates with the Civil Court and for Minors. Member of the Clinica Psiche team, he has worked in the field of dual diagnosis drug addiction, in geriatric neuropsychology (member of the I.PR.EA project with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Italian Ministry of Health), in schools (from 2002 to 2009) with projects aimed at teachers, underprivileged pupils, affected by DSA and disabilities) and with municipal and regional bodies and institutions, also in the role of supervisor and project coordinator.
He has carried out private psychotherapeutic activity with minors and families.
Researcher and creator of the Speleo method – psychotherapy in a clinical setting in collaboration with the Pugliese Speleological Federation; speaker at regional and national speleological conferences; presentation of the Speleo – psychotherapy project at the national conference of the Italian Society of Social Psychiatry. Academic at the Traditional Mediterranean University in Italy.

Logical Process and Creativity, (ed. Opus 2005), diary of school experiences with teachers;
Speleo – psychotherapy in Speleotherapy: action and cure, by Vincenzo Di Spazio, Bolzano pulmonologist (2013);
The Park of the Angels (2015), ed. Kimerik, volume of fiction.


Specialized in systemic psychotherapy - relational, neuropsychology and clinical and juridical psychodiagnosis - expert, with drafting of expert reports, administration of personality tests, graphs, level and projectives).


Italian English.


Member of the Ticino Association of Psychologists (ATP) and of the Swiss Federation of Psychologists (FSP) of the Order of Psychologists of the Puglia Region (OPP).