Dr. Natascha Usai


Training and experience

After obtaining a master's degree in "Clinical psychology and psychopathology" at the University of Lausanne, he carried out an observational internship at the psychiatry department of the Malcantonese hospital and then worked at Casa Sirio in Breganzona. Subsequently, he carried out his clinical and training practice at the cantonal socio-psychiatric organization, more precisely at outpatient facilities such as the Medical-Psychological Service (SMP) of Bellinzona and the Psycho-educational Center (CPE) of Gerra Piano, where he continues to carry out part of his work. She has also collaborated with the University of Basel in the field of research, where she was involved in carrying out psychodiagnostic activities. In 2019 she obtained the cantonal authorization to practice the profession of psychologist.


In her last year of specialization in cognitive constructivist relational psychotherapy at the Cognitive Therapy Center (CTC) in Como, she is aimed at people of all age groups who wish to receive psychological support and embark on a course of psychotherapy.

Clinical activity

Good experience in the psychodiagnostic field with the administration of cognitive, projective and personality tests.

It offers psychological support and educational counseling to adults, minors and their families experiencing difficulties of various kinds.


The psychotherapeutic course of cognitive constructivist relational orientation offered aims to accompany the person towards a greater awareness of himself and of his own resources. The relationship between the therapist and the patient is the central tool: the patient is accompanied to become aware of how he builds the world and of the meaning given to his life experiences with the emotions, thoughts and behaviors associated with them.


He participates in the management of self-help groups organized by the Italian-speaking Switzerland Association for Anxious, Depressive and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, of which he is part as a member of the committee.


Italian and French.


Enrolled in the Ticino register of psychologists. Member of the committee of the Italian-speaking Switzerland Association for Anxious, Depressive and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (ASI-ADOC).