Psyche Clinic


Psyche Clinic

Following the events of recent years such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the related lockdown, important changes have taken place throughout the medical health sector. In the past, psychotherapy provided for the exclusivity of the setting in the presence of the therapist's office. To date, for necessity and evolutionary reasons, the online setting is being used more and more.

From empathy and professionalism comes thetherapeutic alliancekey element for the efficacy of the therapy.

The online setting guarantees the therapeutic alliance as if it were face-to-face therapy, and also offers the flexibility of schedules, the convenience of staying at home, or taking a break during the working day.

The main objective is to be there, and the online setting allows us to enhance this resource, reaching you wherever you are.
The service we offer proposes the online setting as the main one, but where necessary face-to-face meetings.